
ENGIE has more than 26 years of operations in Mexico. During this period we have promoted access to safe and affordable energy for the development and well-being of Mexicans.

We are the largest private buyer of Natural Gas and the second largest distributor of Natural Gas in the country. With 10 distribution zones, with a customer base of almost 700 thousand residential users; 6 thousand commercial and 2 thousand industrial users.

We are present in 21 states of the Mexican Republic with:
– 6 solar parks
– 2 wind farms
– 2 Efficient Cogeneration plants
– In addition, a biomethane project is under development.

We have more than 1,500 employees and 20,000 indirect jobs generated. We have invested more than US$4 billion in energy projects, in addition to US$22 million in social investments and 384 social programs have been implemented.